Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My Child Left Behind Part II or Our Brief Foray into Public School

So, this is a draft of a letter I wrote in September. School started here in Baltimore on August 27, I believe.


September 9, 2012

Dear Person Concerned with Education:

            My name is Kathy King and I am the mother of a special needs child in Baltimore City. Elinore is four years old and recently diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. She is enrolled in the Bright and Ready program run by Baltimore City Public School at the Enoch Pratt Free Library on Reisterstown Road. This is the program recommended by the IEP team at our meeting in July of 2012.

            On the first day, I was willing to overlook some of the problems we encountered, due to the program being brand new. The transportation provided by the city did not show up, and we scrambled for a ride so as not to miss that all important first day. Upon arriving, I discovered that Elinore is the only student enrolled. Aside from the fact that her IEP specifies peer interaction, I was excited to think of all the one-on-one attention my child would receive. Her program meets two days a week, Mondays and Thursdays, for two and a half hours. I wondered between the IEP meeting and the first day of school how such a short program would prepare my student for Kindergarten. At the school, I learned that Bright and Ready is a three year old program. I felt like my  child had been failed a grade before she even began her school career. Out of that amount of time, Elinore is to attend two half hour sessions at the library for story time. She did enjoy the stories with movement and music. I began having doubts about the academic nature of the program. The program takes place in the meeting room in the library, and that first day, I mentally excused the lack of supplies; none of the following were available for my four year old: pencils, paper, crayons, markers, play dough, paint, blocks, dress-up, alphabet posters. The room provided one child sized table with four chairs, and one carpet. There was nothing else.

            On the second day, I expected a little more organization and preschool-like surroundings. The teacher assured me since Elinore was the only student in the class, she would administer some assessments and tailor a program specifically for Elinore, at least until more students arrived. This sounded promising. I observed while a few assessments were administered with some breaks thrown in when Elinore had difficulty concentrating, and checked on Hannah, my eighth-grade home-schooler working independently in the library. Elinore's teacher also read a book about dinosaurs at school, and discussed school behavior such as raising her hand, being polite, taking turns, and other social amenities that Elinore may have had trouble applying in her class of one. Elinore was expected to raise her hand to talk to the teacher, to ask for a break, and to use the potty. Elinore has both expressive and receptive language delays and cannot verbalize her need for a break or to use the potty, and these issues are addressed in her IEP. The teacher also wanted Elinore to sit properly in her chair and tried to teach her how to move it. At lunch, I noted that it was a deli meat sandwich with fruit cup and drink choice, the same as on the first day. I wondered if her entire school lunch experience would consist of lunch meat sandwiches. The cafeteria sent ten lunches for my one student, so my older daughter and I were invited to partake. After lunch, I played hide and seek with Elinore at her request, and the teacher's assistant borrowed some toys from the library upstairs while the teacher was working on her laptop. Elinore had 50 minutes of "free time" and started running in circles, a repetitive motion activity she engages in for sensory input. Elinore was so distraught by the lack of structure, schedule, and social behaviors with no practical application, that in the taxi on the way home she started yanking her own hair out, a behavior we have never seen. She also engaged in spitting and biting herself, two more new behaviors. Her sister and I had to physically restrain her.

            I was relieved that Monday was Labor Day with no school, and asked that  Elinore's grandmother attend school with her on Thursday. I wanted someone else to see what I was seeing. My apprehension was slightly relieved on Thursday when the teacher greeted us with a schedule. The teacher also mentioned a few activities such as calendar time, and learning to carry a tray that were impossible to complete without the calendar and the tray. Before I went upstairs, I voiced some of my concerns to the teacher. How long before Elinore's IEP supports would be in place? Elinore does not do well with chairs, as we had seen on day two, and a fidget cushion, toys, and weighted items were specified in her IEP. When would her speech therapy start? The teacher had no idea Elinore was to receive speech therapy, nor how to access this service, or even a phone number to access someone who might know. Perhaps her zone school? I pointed out on Elinore's IEP that this option was declined as less than optimal, and it was my understanding at the IEP meeting that she would receive this in her school setting. I asked to see the outcome goals of the program. What was my daughter expected to learn by the end of the year? She assured me that there would be quarterly assessments, but did not have anything tangible to show me in terms of a lesson plan or annual goals. The end of Thursday marked the end of the first half of her first month in school, and I felt like we had wasted valuable time.

On Thursday, Elinore's grandmother, who has a degree in special education, and many years of experience with IEP meetings for her own children, made a page and a half of notes which she shared with me. Some were positive, some were neutral, and some were concerning. The main issue was one of the teachers commenting that Elinore did better without her mother in the room. At the July IEP meeting, we were assured that a parent was not only welcome, but encouraged to attend. It seemed, perhaps, that the teacher was not fully aware of the goals of the program, one of which was encouraging parent involvement in the learning process. Also, Elinore had been sitting on the carpet for two hours with no movement breaks. We had planned to lunch with Elinore, as we had been made to feel welcome the previous week, but Elinore was told to pretend we weren't there, and eat lunch at her little table, so Grandma, Hannah and I went upstairs. When Hannah opened the peaches, she found mold! I raced downstairs to stop Elinore from eating her lunch and the teacher assured me the food could not be moldy. I had to prove it by showing her. Hannah and her grandma both suffered from food poisoning that night, I presume from the sandwich Elinore did not eat. I rejoined Elinore and her grandma a little before the end of the school day to see if I was a distraction, but she merely acknowledged me with a glance and continued listening to the teacher's aide read a story while the teacher worked on her laptop. When instructional time was over, the teacher had Elinore demonstrate her new skill of using six steps to close a door.

            Once home, I made what seemed like dozens of phone calls to address the issues of no supplies, moldy school lunch, speech therapy, the lack of IEP supports, and the self destructive behaviors that appeared to be directly linked to her school experience. She had just finished an hour and a half, once-a-week, six week long program at Kennedy Krieger's Fairmount school to prepare her for a classroom setting, so starting school was not the issue. We are a homeschooling family, and none of our five children were ever enrolled in public school. The reason we enrolled Elinore was because her developmental pediatrician recommended a school setting to help her learn social skills and to receive speech therapy. Since there are no other students enrolled in her class, and her speech therapy has been moved to her zone school, it seems that there is no reason for Elinore to attend this program. I am very concerned that virtually none of Elinore's IEP accommodations have been addressed (Elinore does receive preferential seating by the teacher).

            I am appalled at the deficits this program contains, not just at start up, where basic supplies should have been available, but that continue two weeks after school has started. The special needs students of Baltimore City deserve better than empty classrooms and moldy lunches.
I am thinking I will polish the letter and send it to Mrs. Obama, my Senators, my Representatives, the Governor, Mayor, every pertinent person on the school board and each IEP team member. Only, the letter will be at least twice this long because we have since had two more IEP meetings, and more adventures.

Monday, November 26, 2012

My Child Left Behind Part I


As I may not have mentioned, Elinore has finally received an actual diagnosis of PDD-NOS from her developmental pediatrician. However, Elinore has been in the early intervention system since she was eighteen months.

I must say, her therapists and service coordinator have been nothing short of outstanding. I am not mentioning names here, because I am not sure of each one's stand on privacy issues, but I already knew they were wonderful even before we transitioned from early intervention to the public school system.

When Elinore turned three, we opted for an extended IFSP (individualized family service plan), the pre-cursor to the IEP (individualized education plan) that she got when she turned four (and she is currently four-and-three-months). She started out at 18 months with home-based speech therapy, and gradually added physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), and special instruction. So before we transitioned to the public school system, we had:

speech                      1 hour weekly, at home
PT                            30 minutes every other week, center based
OT                            1 hour weekly, center based
special instruction    30 minutes weekly, at home

Elinore made oodles (like that scientific measurement?) of progress. I think it is impossible to quantify how much is due to therapy and how much she would have made regardless.

The biggest thing that made me nervous about that first IEP meeting was as a homeschooling family since, I think, 1991, I was not ready to send my four year old off to preschool. I don't need six hours a day of babysitting. I crossed my fingers, hoping a half day program might be available.

From the beginning of the meeting, things did not seem to be focused on helping Elinore succeed. It seemed more focused on denying services. Here are her new therapy times, slashed from the IFSP, you'll notice:

speech                        30 minutes every other week
PT                              denied, determined it would not impact educational experience
OT                             denied, replaced with 4 hours annual consultation
special instruction     4 hours per week, after the recommendation of full time

On to the placement portion of the meeting, we decline to put our 4-before-school-starts daughter in a three year old program. I insisted I want her ready for kindergarten when she turns five. So we are offered a placement in a brand new program called Bright and Ready! Bright and Ready! met in the meeting room at the library across town only two days a week, for 2 1/2 hours a week, and not only was I welcome, I was encouraged! to attend. Headed by a special educator and an aide, attended by a maximum of 7 typically developing peers, and 7 IEP students, it seemed like it could fit the bill.

I did wonder how such a brief program would prepare my student for kindergarten, but since we were already homeschooling her using Calvert PreK, I wasn't too worried about academics, just trusting that she would get speech therapy and social skills from the program and that the teacher would see her need for OT.

Oh. My. Word. Even my minimal expectations were not met...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Catching up for April

Wow, it's been over a month since I last posted! It doesn't matter too much, this is mostly for recording for our family. I don't have many readers, and the ones who read, already know what's going on.

One of the reasons I post irregularly, is that I like to have at least one photo per post. I have a new camera that is not as easy to get pictures from, and Elinore is still not reliably wearing clothes, ergo, few blog posts.

What Elinore is reliable about...is going to the potty! It took running out of diapers, and telling her "Sorry, you have to wear panties." So few accidents, I am convinced she could've done it sooner. Never mind, she's done.

My birthday was last month, and now I am halfway to 90. I celebrated my birthday by throwing a surprise birthday party for Hannah. Her birthday is not till August, but her birthday party last year was canceled due to a hurricane flooding the State Park where we reserved a pavillion. And boy, was she surprised!

Caitlin came over to celebrate MY birthday and I wanted to go to AC Moore for my birthday (totally believable, right?). So we had lunch at Ruby Tuesday's and headed to AC Moore. Jeff walked her in, and oddly, he had put his hands over her eyes. Everyone yelled "Surprise!" and I said, "Happy Birthday Hannah" and her response was, "Wait, whuut?"

She made Duck Tape purses with her friends Lexi, Lydia, Eden Bethany, Mariah, Justus, and Jobe. Her dad made a birthday cake from scratch, we had tacos, chippy things, and ice cream. She got lots of presents that mader her very happy. Her last present came in an iPad box. Her friends gasped, "She got an iPad!", but Hannah assured them it was just an iPad box. Imagine her surprise when she found an iPad! Elinore has been rotten about sharing hers, and Jeff found a bargain on Ubid. She is still thanking us!

Monday, April 16, 2012


Things I like about walking to church:

Spring breezes
Birds chirping
Holding soft baby hand
Cheerful neighbors
Anticipation of worship, fellowship, and Scripture

Things I don't like about walking to church:

Used condoms and empty wrappers
Dead rodents
Dog poop
Prostitutes (or maybe not, could be just hanging out, it's hard for me to tell the difference)
Drug dealers (or maybe not, could be just hanging out, it's hard for me to tell the difference)

Did I forget drug needles?

And I live less than two blocks from church.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Good Friday

We were blessed to attend Good Friday service at Capital Christian Fellowship near DC last night. We were a little late for the potluck, but our Krispy Kreme doughnuts managed to disappear all the same. Elinore had such a good time in Child Care, she didn't want to leave for home. She recovered from her disappointment some in the gym playing with balls, but was exhausted and insisting in a loud voice, "I'm not tired!!" Naturally, she fell asleep on the way home, and stayed alseep while daddy put her to bed.

I really enjoyed the garden theme in the sanctuary, and the blend of discussion on modern and biblical gardens, the reminder that we plant seeds, but God is the Gardener, and he grows the seeds. Good Friday services have changed since I was a young'un, but I still enjoy them.

Earlier this week, our pastor Marita and family blessed us with some cutie little cupcakes. I know how much work goes into creating little treats, so I am thankful to receive these!

Sunday's Coming!!

Spring Printables

I made this file folder book from printables I found at Creative Learning Fun. Elizabeth always has such nice packets for free! She had so many in the spring pack, I just used the ones Elinore is working on.
Most of them are for color matching.

And working on shape names.

I stacked the folders and used my long reach stapler to connect them in the middle.
Then I added little pockets to hold the pieces.

I laminated the backgrounds back to back so only one side was laminated, because laminate is hard to glue. Finally, I used velcro for each of the little matching pieces. The set stays together pretty well, but the pieces fall out of the pocket if I am not careful. So I leave them velcroed in place and just put them in the pockets when we are ready to play.

We mostly used these with Elinore's special instructor. I don't have her permission to use her picture, so you only see product here, and not "action" shots. I am gifting the set to her to use with other students because a) Elinore already learned her colors; b) she won't need this next spring; c) this is a lot of work and supplies to put together, and I want someone to get some use out of it!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Hannah's Fairy Garden

The little garden is showing green sprouts! I think it's the clover. Spring is sprung!

iPad Update

We now have 290 apps. And while I know how I lived without an iPad, it is easy to exaggerate, "How did I ever live without an iPad?"

Most of the apps are free, and I appreciate free. Even the ones that are lite versions, meaning to get the full spectrum of the offering, you are offered "in app purchases," at least lite lets me try before I buy and decide if I want to put out actual money. Fruit Ninja is one Jeff decided we needed the full version of.

I am grateful to Carisa at 1+1+1=1 for the heads up on App Shopper. This handy free app lets you keep a wishlist, and lets you know if the price drops on your desired app! We have downloaded so many free and on sale apps because of this. Sometimes the sale is a day or less, making it difficult to keep track of all the apps. And, the app is not perfect, sometimes the price is wrong. Caveat emptor.

We have tons of ABC, number, animal, and pre-school apps. How will I know which ones will strike Elinore's fancy? So I download free or lite versions, and delete them if they don't work. It's so much cheaper than buying CD-Rom based software that you can't return once opened. We also have oodles of books.and a few things for Hannah. Hannah, unfortunately, can barely get a turn.

So I will end with a free app I found on Pinterest: Singing Fingers It records your voice while you finger paint, and plays it back when you trace the drawing. Only it's not just your voice, it's any sound you can record. Fabulous!


Elinore has new foot orthotics!

I am a little concerned that these new orthotics will not help her ankles any, but her therapist feels she is ready for a step down from her Sure Steps AFOs (ankle foot orthotics).

Given a choice, Elinore chooses the new ones, and now she has her first pair of pretty shoes since she started wearing braces. And since she is a fairy, princessy, girly girl, she is very, very happy.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March Highlights



Therapy ten more times.

On March 14, Pi Day, we had pi pie. Two pies actually. Chicken pot pie for dinner, and blueberry pie for dessert. I think I could eat blueberry pie every day.

On March 15, we went to Mount Clare's morning meeting for a special drama presentation by a group called Faith on Fire. It was funny, it was thought provoking, it was deeply emotional. It was actually so deep, it's hard to share about.

Elinore has started Sunday School this month. So far, no bad reports. She wears clothes the Sunday School hour. Then she takes off her shoes and socks before worship. When we get home she strips down. So we are making progress in social skills, knowing you need to wear clothes in public.

Elinore is now on lesson 19 in Pre-K. The struggle is still to sit still, follow directions, and cooperate. I don't mean in preparation for public school. I just mean appropriate for her age. If we sit down for school, and then go to the computer for starfall, she is distracted within the 5 feet from the table to the computer. If  I go to fetch supplies that I should have gathered earlier, she leaves the table to turn on the television. This leads me to want to all the lesson in one sitting which is also not always productive.

Hannah planted a fairy garden and it's already showing some green. It includes clover, evening star, thyme, and great blue lobelia.

Friday, March 9, 2012


We took the plunge, we made the jump,
The cost of it made my heart thump.
The iPad's here, and it will stay,
Elinore improves her skills each day.

Elinore's speech is so much clearer since we started engaging with the iPad. Her special instructor brought it for her therapy, and in one week, things had already begun to change. Matching games made no sense to her, and in the second iPad session, she understood the concept. Colors that we have been working on for months with no apparent success, suddenly are being identified with 75% accuracy. Her speech is more understandable. Maybe it was just time for another leap in development, but I personally believe the iPad had a huge impact.

So, deep breath, we bought one.

We chose the iPad over another brand tablet from the heavy chatter in the homeschool universe about educational apps, autism apps, and speech apps. Although Elinore does not have a diagnosis of autism, she still has some quirky, autism-like traits. Just like exercise does not benefit only fat people, autism strategies and apps can still be helpful to those with a different diagnosis.

Elinore has become a very techy tot. She knows how to open and close apps, find the ones she wants, and watch movies on Netflix.

Here are some apps she enjoys, in no particular order:

Angry Birds- I still can't believe she can play that (free version)
Easy Bake Oven- Even grown-ups enjoy designing cupcakes, and there are oodles of options (free)
Miss Spider's Tea Party- It's a book, it's a movie, there are puzzles, matching, and painting; many toys in one app (currently free)
Monkey Preschool Lunchbox- Our first app purchase, used in special instruction, and wow, she shows off her skills in puzzles; this is the one that helped her gain skill in identifying colors ($1)
Trunky Puzzles- I downloaded the free version, and Jeff bought the whole pack; Elinore adores these (free and pay options)
Lego Duplo Zoo- Follows a story line, and you can construct small duplo items in the story; we also got Lego Creationary (free) and Lego Harry Potter (bought on sale for $1)

Elinore is now capable of clearly saying, "Mom, Hannah took my iPad!"

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sad, But True

It's sad, but true.

Elinore is no respecter of crayons.

I like my crayons new, fresh, sharp.

 Elinore likes hers broken, naked. Her saving grace is that she loves the smell of them.

She also loves the taste of them.

And the feel of them between her toes.

She will color with them anywhere: on paper, table, wall, steps, television, clothes, pretty much anywhere that will accept pigment.

I have learned to give her only Crayola washable crayons. She also has separate sets for school and less supervised coloring.

I try not to cry when she breaks them on purpose.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lesson 8

Yesterday, we went to a Winter Playdate at John Eager Howard Elementary School. We were invited by Miss Brenda, who is Elinore's special instructor. The party was held in the rec room and was very well done. The room was organized into centers, supervised by teachers from the tot program. Elinore did not spend much time at Miss Brenda's station which had color sorting, and cardboard blocks. Clockwise around the room, the next station was a floor piano; a bubble station with handouts, bubbles, and bubble wrap; gross motor area with a ball pit, mini-tramp, and a slide; decorate a picture frame station; painting and dot stamping; face painting; and a make and take station for the parents. The make and take included a Wheels on the Bus laminated picture with the different parts of the song on small velcro-ed cards to make the song more interactive. A second project was making a small color wheel with matching clothespins. We even had a catered lunch. Cate engaged Elinore in quite a few activities, though Elinore's main focus was the gross motor area.

Sadly, I have not many pictures, but as I told Jeff, I can keep track of a camera or Elinore, and Elinore is more important.

The women who worked for the program were amazing. They all focused on the children, were polite, respectful, engaged them in activities while still respecting the choice of the child. I am impressed!

I was also impressed, albeit in a negaive way, by something I saw at the actual school. Some of the folding chairs had states and capitals, I guess as a study aid. I thought that was great. Until I saw the capital of Louisiana was Banton Rouge. And that brought home to me, again, the deplorable state of Baltimore City Public Schools, and why I homeschool. At my most generous, I allowed that it could have been done by a parent volunteer, but somone should have noticed. And fixed it. There were only a few chairs labled, obviously left over from another time, which to me indicates there was time for someone to notice, a teacher, the principal, another parent, someone. Sad. Also, a rat or mouse in the hallway.

Special instruction today featured things that go. Miss Brenda used a book written in verse that had an actual storyline, and illustrations that attached to the book with velcro. Awesome. Then Elinore played Bingo with the vehicles, and extended patterns on the iPad.

Elinore completed lesson 8 in Calvert Pre-school. It is flowing along at a perfect pace, average of three days a week, just like I hoped. Each lesson begins with Opening. Our Opening starts with:

Prayer and
a Bible story. Today we finished story number 60 in Bible Stories to Read, by Rod and Staff publishers. It has a companion coloring book that we haven't used yet, because Elinore is not that interested in coloring. Maybe next go-round she'll like it. Tomorrow we start The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes.
Starfall calendar for month, year, days of the week
Flag salute, the one introduced by Calvert (Red, white, and blue, I love you)
Song, such as Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle, etc.
News time, same as show-and-tell
and Thought For the Day, such as Be kind, Be thoughtful
Lesson 3 started teaching left and right, so for now, opening also includes putting a sticker on her right hand, which she promptly moves to her left.

Our discussion time was spent on seasons, focusing on spring. Number readiness presented the concepts of opened and closed. That was a lot of fun with eyes, mouth, door, gate, refrigerator, boxes and arms opening and closing. Story time covered Little Boy Blue which we dramatized, and Little Bo Peep. It was hard to convince her to color with crayons for Things to Do, but we will try again on another day.

Monday's occupational therapy went well as usual. Elinore is finally engaging in imaginative play. She put the weighted lizards down for a nap and my outside-the-box thinker put the pillows under their tails. She has about mastered buttons, and is getting the hang of zippers. She used color changing markers to write E, and got in a swing with the precious lizards. Miss Jodie and I were talking about all the progress she has made, and when we got to the neighbor's to get Hannah, she promptly stripped down to shirt and diaper. So much for progress. Miss Jodie highly recommends Handwriting Without Tears, so we are looking into that.

I am getting long winded, so I'm skipping off for my Pinterest fix.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lesson 5

Elinore finished her fifth lesson today. She has trouble sitting still, paying attention, and following directions. Oh yes, and answering questions. I wonder if it is worth the effort at this early stage, knowing about the better late than early philosophy.

I also know that children tend to perform to expectations. I have gone very easy on Elinore these three and a half years, because with her speech delay, it's hard to know how much she understands. But her developmental pediatrician is convinced that she's smarter than I give her credit for.

The reason we are soldiering on (doesn't that sound like she's a lot of work?) is that Calvert school is very non-academic for preschool. Today we reviewed red and introduced yellow, and according to our team of experts, this is a three year old skill. She is identifying her learned colors with about 75 % accuracy. To me, this means an appropriate skill.

We played with the Lauri alphabet puzzle, talked about books and read the first story in Read to Me Storybook. This is our third copy: PJ got one in his Kindergarten box, and Hannah got hers in a Pre-K box eight years ago. Reading to children of any age is developmentally appropriate.

We also reviewed yesterday's discussion topic of left/right, name, address, and phone number. Calvert's manual acknowledges that mastery of left/right may take some time. As an impaired left/right adult, I think it's never too soon to start.  Phone numbers are a lot longer than they used to be. And her speech is not clear enough to convey her address in case of being lost. However. We do not plan for her to get lost. But you all know about the best laid plans...

For games and play, we did hunting for a spool, using a bean bag. It is not for lack of spools, we have plenty. I just don't want to share my sewing supplies.

So, in my opinion, there is nothing out of reach of a three and a half year old, at least, not yet. The main thing for Elinore is learning to sit still, follow directions, and answer questions. She has her team of experts (speech therapist, occupational therapist, and special instructor) all helping with these same issues, so I know these are age appropriate skills to acquire as well. So, for now, we'll keep soldiering on.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lesson 2

Elinore did another fabulous job completing lesson 2 of Calvert Pre-K.We did a good job on Opening, although we need a flag for the salute. For News, Elinore didn't do as well as yesterday. Even though I asked questions to elicit conversation, she was pretty quiet. Maybe this had to do with her boo-boo: Penny scratched her.

Discussion was about the color red, which she recognized better than I expected. Number Readiness studied before and after, which I don't think she quite got.

We read Little Red Hen and acted it out. She listened to the story just fine, but she was not interested in acting it out. We made some of the items out of play-dough such as eggs, the cake, logs for heating the oven, and the hen. These covered Stories, Things to Do, and Games.

Elinore used Starfall.com for the calendar portion and played with the letters H, W, C, and G.

I discovered that it's very difficult to take pictures of the action when Elinore needs so much direct intervention. I am really excited that she's doing such a great job, but tomorrow we start left and right.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Elinore started Calvert pre-school today.

She had an appointment with a developmental pediatrician yesterday who said Elinore does not have autism according to the new proposed DSM definitions. She also said Elinore is smarter than I give her credit for.

So, Elinore started Pre-K today.

We introduced the idea of school, already familiar because Hannah does school. We started with Opening. This included prayer, Bible story, salute the flag, and News, also known as Show and Tell. She did a great job! I asked her a few questions about her breakfast, and she was able to tell me about it.

We read Peter Rabbit. We covered in and out for Reading Readiness. She colored a picture of her own choosing, and she drew an E. We played Go In and Out the Windows, accompanied by the song on her CD. She completed the whole day with flying colors. I am so proud!

My goal is currently to complete 3 lessons per week, as she is a little young, only 3 1/2, not 4. Also, she has 2-4 therapies a week. I want to be flexible.