Saturday, August 20, 2011

Elinore's Birthday

Baby girl is three years old now.

To celebrate her last day of being two, she wanted to go to Ikea and the Book Thing (why does everyone snicker when I say that? Just because she's pre-verbal?) So we scurried over two buses to get to the Book Thing early enough for some choice books, to the tune of 124. I know, that sounds like a lot, but we share, and also we purge. Sometimes. Some of my favorite finds are four Lifepac Accounting workbooks. There are six missing, but they are less than $5 each at CBD, so we still saved money. They are for me, because I don't know accounting, and moms should have the opportunity to learn, too.

I found Ruby Holler, by Sharon Creech, an award winning writer. I picked up 11 Real Simple magazines and 20 Teacher's Mailbox magazines. Elinore got a scratch and sniff book, Winnie the Pooh Gets Stuck, and many more that will go back at the first chance. She loves picking out books. Hannah found Eragon.

While we waited on the bus stop, some kind folks offered use free school supplies. Unfortunately, we were waiting for the bus and didn't want to risk missing it. So one of the volunteers went inside and prepared bags for us! What a blessing! Free books and free school supplies.

At Ikea, she tried out all the beds and pretended to sleep and insisted on eating at the little cafeteria they have. She only ate fries, though.

Fortunately, she slept some on the bus on the way home. It was a long day.

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