News Bulletin:
Penn Station |
And if the train's on time... |
Beloved family member Hannah returns to a noisy celebration at Penn Station after a week in Savannah Georgia. She stands taller, with adorable sun-kissed cheeks and some spunky new freckles. Hannah thanks all those who contributed to her trip: Aunti Di for transportation to countless meetings, Grandparents Rother for the loan of luggage, Grandma Loretta for the cell phone, Jenn for the ride to the train station, Mishi for the ride back from the train station, all the chaperones who took great care of her, and everyone who gifted Hannah spending money. Hannah's favorite hobby is shopping, so thanks to all for the pleasure.
Hannah with a niece of Juliette Low, founder of Girl Scoutin |
Adorable, beautiful, so grown up! |
Hannah is a beautiful photographer. |
For Phil |
Group photo at Headquarters |
Elinore can't wait to see Hannah |
Beautiful welcome! |
Wow, GS HQ! I bet that was an amazing trip! :D A whole week away from the family and out of state at that. It's good to have her back safe though, I would have worried so much with her gone. It's cool to have a mom that would let her go though. The trip sounds like one of those chance in a life time things, a growing exp. >.<