Thursday, July 28, 2011


Camera found: check
Algebra I good news: check
Headache almost gone: check
Ink for the printer: check

Must be time for a new post.

The camera was just where I thought it was, I just didn't have access to look for it myself. So here is Hannah at her parade earning her Bronze award.

On the Algebra front, we went from, "I changed my mind, I don't want to do Algebra" to "It's too easy, I know the answers without writing down the steps" in just two short lessons. Phil also never understood the need to write each step when the answer "popped" into his head. I tried to explain it is to cement the steps in the brain with the easy ones so the brain takes the same path for the harder ones.
Or, "because I said so" just might have to be why.

Monday's therapy was awesome, as usual. Elinore had trouble focusing, even long enough to choose her swing.
This is her first time on this platform swing, and her favorite of the day. She even let go to balance while she was swinging.
The yellow and blue swing helps build core muscles and she gets to let go and crash to the mat. It gets big smiles. The tire swing requires a little more work for Elinore to balance, but again, she doesn't mind falling on the big, soft, mats.
She also worked on fine motor skills picking up tiny bugs with tweezers and cutting on a line, pasting lines in a pattern, and tracing the pattern with horizontal and vertical lines in the shape of "t," which helped her cross her midline. When she does sitting down work, she sits on a special cushion for her low muscle tone. She used the scooter again, too, to build upper body strength.

This week also included physical therapy. I do not have her therapist's permission to use her picture, but Elinore did steps, a great obstacle course, and used a scooter in a different position with weights on her ankles. I like how the therapy is like a game. The obstacle course used farm animal on one end and the farm on the other to give purpose to the exercise. The scooter exercise used blocks to motivate her.

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