Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fortunately, Unfortunately

After many days in a row of Code Red weather alerts with hundred degree weather and heat indices at, like, 115, the weather breaks, and the electric goes off. Power company says it should take around four hours to fix. Four hours with no air conditioning, no fan to even move hot air around, and no computer. Boo, we Americans are so spoiled.

Hannah's grandma had already planned to take her bowling and swimming, and she arrived minutes later and offered to let me and Elinore tag along.

No one foresaw Elinore would understand and want to participate in bowling, and in the few minutes of scrambling to leave, I didn't grab socks.

The lady at the bowling alley had a three year old and looked the other way while Elinore wore her bowling shoes with no socks.

Elinore dropped the ball on her foot.
She was wearing those ugly bowling shoes.

She got bored wandering around the bowling alley.

We were going to McDonald's for chicken nuggets- one of her best pronounced words.

And the rest of the story is fortunately:

I remembered everyone's swimsuit and sunscreen (though Hannah didn't use any) and towels.
Jeff finished work early.
Aunti Di was willing to pick him up.
Jeff brought home about five dozen doughnuts.
He borrowed trunks (what?! I didn't know he would finish early).
We all played in the pool together, Elinore's first time in her Grandma's pool.
The electricity was back on when we got home.

Hannah likes water play

Doesn't she look like she's having fun?

Elinore and Aunti Di
Elinore only bowled six frames, but she was in the lead at frame 6 with a score of 60. She quit while she was ahead. And she used her bowling score sheet to pay the lady at McDonald's for her chicken nuggets.

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